Sunday, August 12, 2007


Lecture: This week was on Microsoft Office and it's applications, this involved file handling using Windows Explorer, word processing using MS Word, spreadsheets using MS Excel, presentations using MS PowerPoint, Internet access using Internet Explorer, e-mails using Outlook Express and viewing PDF's using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Workshop: First we ran through a set of instructions for the weeks activities on Office Word and Excel. There were three activities that we had to do, two on word processing and one on excel. We were then left to do the activities on our own with help if we needed it.

The two Word activities were on editing text by moving text borders, line spacing, text sizing, headers/footers, cutting and pasting etc.

Free Image Hosting at <a" />

The Excel activity was on creating a timetable like the one show, then enter in data and edit it.

Free Image Hosting at <a" />

Readings: Learn the difference between the most common types of graphical file formats, and when to choose which format to use.

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